Detail plotting by resection method.

Step-1) Click on the main file and wait until home screen appears.

Step-2) There are three buttons in this experiment i.e. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Button, PLANE TABLE ACCESSORIES Button, OBSERVATION & PLOTTING Button.

Step-3) BACKGROUND INFORMATION Button:This button is used to give all the background information regarding the experiment.

Step-4) PLANE TABLE ACCESSORIES Button:This button is used to give all the accessories used in the experiment.

Step-5) OBSERVATION & PLOTTING Button: It contains two buttons i.e. BROWSER & FLASH BASED SIMULATIONS Button.

Step-6) Click on BROWSER BASED Button: It will navigate to the simluation page, which contains two buttons.

Step-7) Click on FLASH BASED Button: It will download a flash based file of the simulator .

Step-8) On the left side of the pane, alidade view of objects is also given to see the clear view of the objects.

Step-9) Click on a object to get alidade view of object and a line is drawn.