Carry out profile levelling using auto level.

Steps to perform experiment

Step-1) START Button: This button on click will navigate to the menu page consists of three buttons i.e. OBJECTIVE OF EXPERIMENT Button, EQUIPMENT DETAILS Button and OBSERVATIONS & PLOTTING Button.

Step-2) QUIT Button: It is used to exit the page.

Step-3) OBJECTIVE OF EXPERIMENT Button: This button provides objective of the experiment.

Step-4) EQUIPMENT DETAILS Button: This button provides equipment details, used in the experiment.

Step-5) OBSERVATION & PLOTTING Button: It contains two buttons ie.e. BROWSER & FLASH BASED SIMULATIONS Button.

Step-6) Click on BROWSER BASED button, it will navigate to the simluation page where you need to click on EQUIPMENT SETUP Button.

Step-7) After this, you need to setup autolevel instrument by placing it on the tripod.

Step-8) After this, click on LEVEL SETUP Button & setup blue bubble dot to the center.After this, click on Next Button.

Step-9) Click on the START Button, staff at point A & observation table will appear.

Step-10) Click on the staff at point A & take a back sight, marked as the bench mark, after this points will automatically mark at regular intervals.

Step-11) Click on the NEXT Button. Take the observtaions at these regular intervals (points i.e.1,2,34) with the help of staff( click on each staff).

Step-11) Repeat step 11 & take fore sight observation at TP 1 point. Click on the autolevel machine to move it at another location

Step-12) Now take a back sight observation on TP1 & take observations at these regular intervals (points 5,6,7,8,9) with the help of staff & then click on the NEXT Button.

Step-13) Now take a fore sight observation on final station C & also take the observtaions at salient point X.

Step-14) Click on CALCULATE Button. & calculate obseravtions with the help of three buttons i.e. CALCULATE H.I.,CALCULATE R.I. & CALCULATE: DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION.

Step-15) Click on the FINISH Button to finish simulation.